Tuesday 15 April 2008

Ok, the first stage has to be choosing an adventure. Various ideas have drifted in my mind about this, mostly involving Indiana Jones and retrieving some missing relic from the clutches of baddies. This seems unlikely though. Firstly, I'm pretty poor at fighting, and secondly, although I do own a hat and a leather jacket, I am told they look stupid.
Inspiration, or rather validation, came on Monday night in the form of Mark Beaumont, and his cycling exploits. Watching his home made video made me long to be out on the road, camping under the stars. I had already thought of cycling from the Atlantic to the Pacific when I read Long Way Round, it seemed like a vary viable idea to me at the time, but I had forgotten all about it in the process of getting my nursing qualification.
Further proof that this is the way forward came today, when one of my lecturers was discussing the benefits of working for the NHS. He was explaining that if you wanted to leave the NHS for a year or so, you wouldn't lose your benefits. He suggested anyone could take a year out to cycle round the world if they wanted too. Coincidence?
The final straw came on returning home and, now free of Dissertation, I was reading the letters page of New Scientist. There, on the back page, was a letter detailing the point on Earth that is furthest from the ocean, a point in China.
What could be better, a cycling trip from the Atlantic to the Pacific, through the Continental Pole of Inaccessibility?!

Wednesday 12 March 2008

How to become a professional adventurer

I pretty much gave up the wild places about 4 years ago when I started studying nursing. That course is coming to an end, can't say I've enjoyed it, but the whole point was to get myself a job that I can take time away from if I want to, and to provide enough money and time off for adventuring.
I saw polar explorer Ben Saunders in an interview yesterday, and was intrigued by his website, and his Blog, so I thought, what the hell, I'll give Blogging a try! It seems to be everywhere these days, and I don't want to get left behind!